Cocoa bear packs


240 g butter
3 spoons Carla cocoa powder
120 g sugar
1 pack vanilla sugar
280 g plain flour
1 egg
80 g grated nuts (coconut can be used)
1 spoon gingerbread spice


In a bowl, mix all the loose ingredients flour, sugar and vanilla sugar, cocoa, spices and nuts / coconut. Let the butter soften and cut into slices and add to the loose mixture together with the egg. We process everything into a smooth dough, which we wrap in foil and let it rest overnight.

The next day we fill the dough into small pieces. The dough should have a small depression in the middle. Bake the bear pack in an oven heated to 175 ° C for about 8 minutes (depending on the size of the molds). Still warm bear packs put out of the molds and wrap it in sugar.

  • 1 hour - Carla 1 hour
  • Medium - Carla Medium

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