Chocolate salami


250g sponge biscuits
250g butter
250g sugar
40g Carla Cocoa
1 handful of coconut
1 handful of nuts
2 eggs
2 spoon rum


Wipe the softened butter with sugar (or honey), eggs and cocoa. Blend some of the sponge cake smoothly and crush the remaining sponge cake into larger pieces and add to the butter mixture along with rum, grated coconut and pieces of nut. Place the mixture in the fridge and leave to rest for half an hour.

After letting the mixture stand, divide it into 2 parts and make it rollers. Wrap in foil and close the ends like a candy. Let it lie in the fridge preferably overnight. Then we just wrap in powdered sugar or coconut and we can slice it.

  • 1 hour - Carla 1 hour
  • Easy - Carla Easy

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