Kefir pancakes with cocoa


400 ml kefir
250 g smooth flour (can be wholegrain)
2 eggs
1,5 packs vanilla organic cane sugar
1 teaspoon baking soda
Carla cocoa
Carla cream
fruits for decoration


Whisk eggs in kefir in a bowl, add sugar, a pinch of salt. Mix it all together to dissolve the sugar and salt. Mix the flour, baking soda and cocoa in the second bowl. Then mix the two blends briefly into a smooth dough, no need to mix for long, just until the ingredients mix and the dough stays fluffy. Then heat the frying pan, fry the pancakes in oil or melted butter. When flakes appear on the pancakes and the edges are golden brown, it is time to fry pancake from the other side. This amount of dough is sufficient for about four portions.

For decorating you can use sour cream, curd, fruits of all kinds and our delicious Carla cream.

  • 30 minutes - Carla 30 minutes
  • Easy - Carla Easy

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